The Winds of God
John 3:8 (CSB Bible) - "The wind blows where it pleases, and you hear its sound, but you don't know where it comes from or where it is going. So, it is with everyone born of the Spirit."
I'm in my 80s now and in the eyes of the world - retired. Yet, I still have a memorial service for a friend now and then. Through the directors in Tucson. Often, I'm asked if I'd like to ride with them rather than drive my own car to the cemetery. And most times, I take them up on the offer. It's much more relaxing during that stressful event to not have to worry about driving. On one such trip, the funeral director shared with me about the effect God's Wind has on things that grow. Over time, trees that stand out in the open become shaped in the direction the wind is blowing. Unless there are other trees around to block it from happening, a tree will inevitably be shaped by the force and direction of the wind.
The proof of this is visible everywhere wherever the wind usually blows in one direction. Tree after tree after
directors in Tucson. Often, I'm asked if I'd like to ride with them rather than drive my own car to the cemetery. And most times, I take them up on the offer. It's much more relaxing during that stressful event to not have to worry about driving. On one such trip, the funeral director shared with me about the effect God's Wind has on things that grow. Over time, trees that stand out in the open become shaped in the direction the wind is blowing. Unless there are other trees around to block it from happening, a tree will inevitably be shaped by the force and direction of the wind.
The proof of this is visible everywhere wherever the wind usually blows in one direction. Tree after tree after
e years I have come to know a few of the funeral 📷directors in Tucson. Often, I'm asked if I'd like to ride with them rather than drive my own car to the cemetery. And most times, I take them up on the offer. It's much more relaxing during that stressful event to not have to worry about driving. On one such trip, the funeral director shared with me about the effect God's Wind has on things that grow. Over time, trees that stand out in the open become shaped in the direction the wind is blowing. Unless there are other trees around to block it from happening, a tree will inevitably be shaped by the force and direction of the wind.
The proof of this is visible everywhere wherever the wind usually blows in one direction. Tree after tree after tree are all bent in surrender to the wind.
I leave you with this question. Like those trees, do you and I as individuals, and as the body of Christ, show any evidence of being shaped by the Winds of God's Spirit? If not, we need to ask ourselves why. I pray each of us yield to the steady influence of God's Spirit, of His Presence within us to bend us in accordance with His will and for His purposes. There is great strength in such yielding to the winds of God!